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Get Projection Info


This functor retrieves information about a given projection


Name Type Description
projection Map The projection whose information will be retrieved.

Optional Inputs


Name Type Description
WKT String The projection using the WKT (well-known text) syntax.
ERMapper Equivalent Projection String The name of the projection using the equivalent ER Mapper keyword.
ERMapper Equivalent Datum String The name of the projection datum using the equivalent ER Mapper keyword.
ERMapper Equivalent Unit String The name of the projection unit using the equivalent ER Mapper keyword.
UTM Hemisphere Integer Value The code corresponding to the UTM projection hemisphere, if the projection is UTM. -1 = Undefined, 1 = North Hemisphere and 2 = South Hemisphere.
UTM Zone Integer Value The code corresponding to the UTM projection zone, if the projection is UTM, or -1.
Coordinate Type Integer Value The code corresponding to the projection coordinate type, if it applies. -1 = Undefined, 1 = Eastings/Northings and 2 = Latitude/Longitude.



Internal Name
